Strongly protesting against China as an aggressor to Vietnamese independence

Ngày gửi

 -  1973 Lượt xem


 In more than one week’s tension atmosphere, all Vietnamese citizens cannot continue to tolerate the sight their beloved country Viet Nam aggressed over territory by China. Today, the eleventh of May, people in the three biggest cities of Viet Nam, all unite standing up to represent all patriotic Vietnamese people, demonstrate and have meetings to require fairness to Viet Nam.

The anti-Chinese demonstration has taken place and finished to highlight Vietnamese spirits of peace love and Vietnamese Government and Communist Party’s proper policy.

Many lines of demonstrators hold up banners and placards rallying against China, shouting loudly <China go home with their oil rig > and repeatedly <Hoang Sa and Truong Sa belong to Viet Nam forever>

Hundreds of policemen and traffic wardens keep the demonstration in peace around the meeting location, and set up barricades on roads to prevent traffic so as the demonstrators passing them with ease.

This event today turned into the headlines of many international and national newspapers, and it is certain that friends all over the world will support Viet Nam defending itself lawfully and logically against the action of breaking law of International Marine, which China did in the past, has continued, and repeated non-stoppable today.

Strongly protesting against China as an aggressor to Vietnam’s independence

Many lines of demonstrators hold up banners and placards rallying against China, shouting loudly <China go home with their oil rig > and repeatedly <Hoang Sa and Truong Sa belong to Viet Nam forever>









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