Tin tức

Ngày gửi 20/04/2018

 -  1798 Lượt xem

Referring to Office Administration and Business Administration, images of passive office workers staring at statistics and documents on computer screens commonly appear in our minds. It is, however, a misconception of outsiders that people working in the field look a little bit bland. In fact they have varied personalities. The Events Management Class at Vien Dong College may change people’s thoughts about the field and their visualizations of office managers.
The class takes place in Hall B at 8:00 AM. Every group chooses a brand of products to introduce and hold an advertising event with their own styles of decoration and performance. It
gives students an opportunity to practice how to organize an event professionally.

A group of students uses a violet background to make a sweet and attractive space for their
performance of Jasmine perfume, which is what the brand follows to approach customers.

Not only focusing on products, students also pay special attention to their costumes, which shows their serious and professional performance
Owing to the class, Office Administration students can take advantage of their dominant strengths to make their performance more attractive and lively.

The performance about wine surprises all the audience because tedious students they see every
day are taking their charming steps to introduce and advertise products as professional models

“Cheer up!” - The exciting atmosphere covers Hall B, where the class takes place

The advertising presentation about Green Cross Hand Wash, an anti-bacterial product familiar to office workers, meets the requirements of giving attractive speech, drawing audience’s attention,and using suitable colors to prevent them from getting bored.
Pleasant green T-shirts give audience feelings of friendliness and credibility, which is the product’s message to them.

Groups introducing Dove Shampoo and Posion Perfume are the most outstading ones with interesting presentation, suitable clothes and professional behaviors. They perform well asholding real launching events for their products.

Potential leaders of Office Administration in the future


Dove Shampoo’s scent spreads to every corner of the class

The luxury and masculine tone of black effectively emerges dominant features of Posion Perfume

The group advertising Posion Perfume has the most dedicated preparation for the event, which makes their performance more successful than what was expected.

Two beautiful Events Managers

Mr. Pham Quang Truong (L), lecturer of the class, plays an important part in the success of all performances done by students

With passion and responsibility, students have practiced and prepared well for their performances in the class. Their efforts confirm the value of a famous quotation by Confucius, a Chinese Philosopher, “The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones”.



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