International Cooperation

Ngày gửi 25/04/2019

 -  563 Lượt xem

KIKUCHI mainly designs classrooms in Japan and is always eager to create advanced-technology such as smart board, etc supporting lecturers in their teaching career among high school and universities. These modern devices have also been applied to other nations like Korea, China.

On April 23rd 2019, Vien Dong College had a meeting with the MITSUBISHI PAPER MILLS GROUP and its partner is KIKUCHI, which are technological firms from Japan. During the meeting, the sides of Japanese representatives had a presentation of smart equipments asissting teachers like smart board, etc. At the same time, they were eager to deliver the real benefit of highly-technological tools in classroom.



M.A. Tran Thanh Hai- Vien Dong College’s Rector had a appointment with Japanese partners about accessing high-technological equipments



Mr. Tomoyasu Narita, the Diretor of MITSUBISHI PAPER MILLS GROUP, DIAMIC CO., LTD representative office in HCMC

(from the left-hand)

Ms. Nguyen Hoang Truc Anh, the interpreter of the meeting

 She was an alumni studying Business Administration and graduated from Vien Dong College. She is working for Mitsubishi Papaer Mills Group.

After the meeting, Japanese delegation also went around several classrooms to observe devices equipped in classroom at Vien Dong college.

Memorable pictrure


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