Learning vocabulary through phrases and idioms is an effective way to grasp not only the meanings of words but also how to use them in real-life contexts. Below are some common English phrases and idioms, along with their meanings and illustrative examples:
- “Break the ice”: To initiate a conversation or social interaction to alleviate initial tension or awkwardness.
- Example: “At the conference, I tried to break the ice by asking about their journey here.”
- “A piece of cake”: Something very easy or not difficult at all.
- Example: “The test was a piece of cake. I finished it in less than thirty minutes.”
- “Hit the books”: To start studying or reading in a serious and diligent manner.
- Example: “I have a big exam next week, so I need to hit the books this weekend.”
- “Cost an arm and a leg”: Something is very expensive or costly.
- Example: “Buying a new car can cost an arm and a leg, especially if you want all the latest features.”
- “Bite the bullet”: To accept a difficult or unwanted situation courageously and patiently.
- Example: “I knew I had to tell my boss the bad news, so I bit the bullet and did it.”

Learning vocabulary through phrases and idioms not only helps you expand your vocabulary but also makes your communication more natural and versatile in daily conversational situations.